


District Level

Update Archives

Upcoming AWSA Events

Launching Academy
August 15, 2024

Building Academy
Two Cohorts begin this summer

Administrative Assistants Conference
July 24-25, 2024 Madison

Elementary Principals Convention
October 9-11, 2024, 
Elkhart Lake

AWSA Enjoys the Support of:

Welcome to AWSA's bi-weekly newsletter! Below you will find our most recent edition of the AWSA Update Bulletin. Located on the side you will find current and past articles, current events and sponsor information.  

June 5th Edition

AWSA Update

The AWSA Update Bulletin is ending the school year with a reminder about upcoming professional learning and the most-read articles of 2023-24.  

Investing in Your Growth to Lead Continuous Improvement

In our most recent Membership Satisfaction Survey, members expressed the greatest interest in in-depth professional learning on leading continuous improvement.

AWSA has three career-stage academies focused on leading to improve student outcomes for each career stage (LaunchingBuilding, and Mastering), as well as three academies focused on particular high-leverage leadership practices (Impactful CoachingLeading PLCs, and Climate Catalyst).

Invest in one of these academies that provide the depth of learning necessary to improve leadership practices that translate into improved student outcomes.  This Table is helpful in selecting the academy most aligned with your needs. 

With Whom Do You Stand?

Published: August 23, 2023 

As we end a new school year and reflect on its many opportunities and challenges, a rousing question to ponder is, with whom do you stand?  Who is the student or population of students within your community regularly misunderstood, most in need of an ally? How can you help their voices be heard, appreciated, and encouraged? Read more.

Building a High Performing PLC: One School’s Journey to Model PLC Status in Two Years

Published: September 6, 2023

As a result of the work that Prairie View (Beaver Dam Unified School District) teachers and administrators have done around the work of Professional Learning Communities, the school earned Model PLC status from Solution Tree through an intensive two-year focus. As one of only about 400 schools internationally recognized with this distinction, Prairie View has demonstrated a commitment to the PLC process and ongoing improvements in student learning. Read more.

2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention: Register Today, Pay Later!

The 2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention will feature keynote sessions by Doug Reeves and Josh Varner and twenty concurrent and pre-conference sessions, including:

  • Becoming a High-Performance Culture
  • How To Deal with Increased Stress in Schools
  • A Principal’s Guide to Teacher Resilience
  • Elementary Principals’ Legal Seminar
  • Harnessing the Power of AI for Elementary Leaders (sessions for beginners and intermediate/advanced users)

Register today for this fantastic learning opportunity, held October 9-11, 2024, at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake! Please note that you may once again select to be invoiced while registering.

Links to Important Updates for the 2024-25 School Year: