Welcome to AWSA's bi-weekly newsletter! Below you will find our most recent edition of the AWSA Update Bulletin. Located on the side you will find current and past articles, current events and sponsor information.
January 15th Edition
AWSA Update
AWSA Announces Its Support for Jeff Wright for State Superintendent
Wisconsin voters will elect the next State Superintendent of Public Instruction this spring. AWSA is pleased to announce our support of Jeff Wright as our next Superintendent of Public Instruction. Read more here.
Teamwork in Action: Building an Effective Principal-Admin Assistant Partnership
When principals and admin assistants work as a cohesive team, they not only streamline daily operations but also foster an environment where students and staff can thrive. Read more here.

Real Talk Scenarios: Bringing Student Voice to Your School
At Platteville High School, students in the Diverse Student Alliance (DSA) are driving real change through their "Real Talk" scenarios. These monthly, student-led sessions create space for open conversations about real challenges students face, such as bullying, inclusion, and the difference between intent and impact. Read more here.
Supporting Competitive Employment Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities
“I want to be seen as reliable, responsible and really useful at my job.” Twenty year old Christan Myers of Stevens Point, WI is an example of how collaboration, paid work experience and high expectations can lead to competitive integrated employment (CIE) outcomes for youth with disabilities. Read more here.

Thank you to our 2024 Membership Ambassadors!
We thank the ambassadors who reached out to nearly 200 potential members to expand the impact of AWSA!
