COVID Updates 

This article includes links to updated guidance, an ESSER I-III funding snapshot, Community Recovery Meetings, and today’s National Safe School Reopening Summit.

National Safe School Reopening Summit

The US Department of Education is hosting the virtual National Safe School Reopening Summit today from 11:30 AM-2:30 PM CST.  Registration is free.

Updated guidance:

Federal ESSER Funding Snapshot

President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law on March 11.  The ARPA was the country’s third major COVID relief package.  Here is a snapshot of ESSER timelines and funding amounts for Wisconsin:


    • $158 Million to state/minimum of $40,000 per district

    • Funding through 9/30/22


    • $686 Million to state/minimum of $100,000 per district

    • Funding through 9/30/23


    • $1.4 Billion to state/ DPI estimates districts will receive twice the amount of ESSER II.

    • Funding through 9/30/24

Summary of ESSER I, II, and II can be found here.  DPI has created a resource page to support local decision-making regarding ESSER funding.

Community COVID Recovery Meetings Planned in Wausau, Rhinelander, and Green Bay

School and district leaders are being invited to join other civic and business leaders to help launch the post-pandemic recovery in your community. The Department of Revenue has been working with the "Stop the COVID Spread" coalition to host one-hour introductory conversation about COVID recovery in three parts of the state March 29-30.

The goal of these locally led conversations is to generate ideas that can be implemented at the local level to rebuild our communities – economically, socially, and culturally. We want to see them not only get back to where they were pre-pandemic, but also thrive in the long term and achieve a Badger Bounceback. As our vaccination rate increases, moving into the recovery phase is the next step.

In consultation with the Wisconsin Department of Health and the "Stop the COVID Spread" coalition co-chairs, it was decided to host conversations in three areas – Wausau, Rhinelander, and Green Bay. Public and civic leaders in these areas are enthusiastic and eager to begin. The conversations will use the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. AI has been successfully used by public and private organizations across America to solve particularly complex problems.  

AI is a strengths-based improvement methodology that brings stakeholders together to share ideas, agree on the best initiatives to pursue, and collaborate to implement them. AI utilizes a 'SOAR' process where participants identify Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. 

Here are a few examples of conversations the sponsors seek to encourage and trigger local action: 

  1. How can members of the community contribute to a faster economic recovery?

  2. How should the community prioritize actions to assist in faster economic recovery?

  3. What role do public and private sector actors have in assisting with a faster economic recovery?

The sponsors believe applying this process at the local level will achieve meaningful results, and want to see each community draw from its leaders the strengths and opportunities to transform past our new normal and rebuild our economy as quickly and safely as possible. 

The sponsors envision representatives from the following sectors to provide perspective and leadership. 

  • Health care professionals and scientists
  • Government officials – all branches, all levels, bipartisan
  • Marketing and public relations professionals
  • Technology professionals
  • Business, faith-based, and other civic leaders

There is no cost for participation. 

One-hour COVID/AI kickoff meetings will be held on the following dates/times for each community (the meeting agenda is attached); click on the links to sign-up: 

  • Wausau – Monday, March 29; 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. [Register]

  • Rhinelander – Tuesday, March 30; 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. [Register]

  • Green Bay – Tuesday, March 30; 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. [Register

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue State and Local Finance Division will coordinate with partners to launch this initiative and then turn it over to local leaders. Please confirm if you can join the effort through the links above or feel free to email [email protected]. If you have any questions, you may also contact Paul Riehemann, the coordinator for this project, at 608-266-8884.