AWSA Academies: Focused, In-Depth Learning

Which academy is right for me?

Over time at AWSA, we have developed a number of academies that provide a depth of learning and growth for education leaders in the most complex areas of the work. Each of these academies involves a series of sessions designed to help participants engage deeply in their learning, with enough opportunity to apply and integrate what they are learning throughout the series so that such efforts can meaningfully take hold in local leadership action. 

Given many leadership demands, choosing the most appropriate route for deep learning and support can often present considerable challenge. We have designed the following table to help leaders think through their greatest local needs and then consider the AWSA academy that would best address that need.

If your identified need is _______,

Then consider the ___.

A) Building resilience in your students / staff and addressing local mental health challenges.

Mental Health and Resilience Academy

B) Building focus and coherence of your system’s improvement agenda and related short-term cycles of intentional action, leading to significant adult practice and student achievement gains.

School Administrators Institute for Transformational Leadership

C) Analyzing and deeply problem-solving the complex challenges of equity to address persistent opportunity achievement gaps, however they are manifested within your local community.

Leading for Equity Academy

D) Implementing or sustaining professional learning communities as a means to ensure high levels of student achievement and engagement.

Leading Professional Learning Communities

E) Developing the capacity to provide coaching and feedback that is aligned to high expectations, standards, and research-based effective instructional practices.

Impactful Coaching Academy

F) Developing assessment literacy capacity in order to lead continuous improvement efforts that focus on high-quality teaching, learning, and organizational excellence.

Data Leadership Academy

G) Supporting building leaders to reflect on their impact utilizing a continuous improvement mindset.

Supporting Principal Excellence

H) Gaining support and coaching as an administrator in your first year of service.

New Building Administrators Academy

I) Shifting from surviving as an administrator to thriving as an effective and balanced learning leader who is developing a learning organization.

Building Effective Leadership Academy