April 11th EditionAWSA Professional Learning 2018-19Every year AWSA releases a catalog to outline our professional development and event offerings for the upcoming school year. We know that you are busy ensuring both the successful conclusion of the 2017-18 school year while preparing for 2018-19. We hope this catalog is helpful for you to plan for your continued growth. We are also excited to inform you that, in addition to adding new academies, school leaders are eligible to be reimbursed up to 75% for completing an eligible academy next year. Please see the inside front cover of this year's catalog for all the details.
![]() Reduce the Number of Children Not in School
by Darrell Rud, President, World Education Forum in the United States It is my hope that you are having your most successful year yet in leading the schools, districts, and entire learning communities in your beautiful state. My formal professional educator career spanned more than 4 decades so I "sort of" understand your increasingly complex and important roles and I applaud you for taking on these challenging opportunities for leadership. I come to you at this time not to intentionally give you extra burdens but to provide you with some important information and an opportunity for advocacy and assisting in the finding and educating an additional estimated 29,629 Wisconsin children between the ages of 5-17! This data, generated by the American Community Survey, represents the number of children in this age range who are not enrolled in any type of school in your state as of 2016 (the latest year surveyed)! April the Month of the Military Childby Shelley Joan Weiss, Wisconsin Commissioner for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children State Superintendent Tony Evers has proclaimed April as the Month of the Military Child (proclamation attached.) In April Wisconsin recognizes the important role military children play in their families, schools, local and military communities. Military-connected children face unique challenges as their parents may be put in dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations because of their military positions. Military children face frequent and lengthy separations from their parents due to deployments. Some military children move up to six times during their K-12 educational experience. Frequent moves, within and between states, require children to be flexible and adaptable. Research demonstrates that military children are resilient and strong contributors to their schools despite family separations and frequent moves. AWSA’s Annual ElectionAWSA’s annual election will open on April 16. The success of our association depends, to a large degree, upon the quality leadership that members collectively choose to lead AWSA. We are proud that our tradition of strong leadership continues. This year, directors will be elected from Regions 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12. Please watch your inbox for a link to vote! The election will remain open through April 30.
2018 National Principals ConferenceSchool leaders share the same goals for student success from kindergarten through high school. And when you come together, something very powerful happens: collaboration, synergy, and inspiration soar. Join NASSP at the 2018 National Principals Conference for authentic peer-to-peer conversations, innovative learning opportunities, and world-class thought leaders. Expect programming that addresses your specific needs and challenges, and get excited that you are laying the groundwork to help students successfully transition from one school level to another. NPC18 will be held July 11–13, in Chicago. Details and registration information can be found at www.principalsconference.org. NAESP Pre-K–8 Principals ConferenceMake plans to attend the premier professional development conference for elementary and middle-level principals at @NAESP Pre-K-8 Principals Conference. During the course of three days, you will connect with your peers, learn best practices, and have access to today’s education movers and shakers. Apply the knowledge and skills you learn in your school and in your career. Read more at bit.ly/2u4Aj8z April 25th EditionA Guide To Teacher Nonrenewalby Malina Piontek, Attorney Unlike the administrator nonrenewal statute which allows school boards to enter into two-year contracts with principals, and even have extensions to those contracts, the teacher nonrenewal statute only allows schools boards to enter into one-year contracts with teachers. Therefore, by law, the renewal/refusal to renew teacher contracts is an annual undertaking for administrators. Thus, it is vitally important for principals to have a solid understanding of the statutory teacher nonrenewal process. In large part, principals are primarily responsible for gathering data to support recommendations for renewal or refusal to renew individual teacher contracts. They also frequently must act as “prosecutors” by presenting evidence to school boards to support recommendations to nonrenew individual teacher contracts. This article is designed to provide foundational information for principals as they make their way through the annual teacher nonrenewal process. AWSA’s Annual ElectionAWSA’s Annual Election The election in open! The success of our association depends, to a large degree, upon the quality leadership that members collectively choose to lead AWSA. We are proud that our tradition of strong leadership continues. The election will remain open through April 30. AWSA Professional Learning 2018-19Every year AWSA releases a catalog to outline our professional development and event offerings for the upcoming school year. We know that you are busy ensuring both the successful conclusion of the 2017-18 school year while preparing for 2018-19. We hope this catalog is helpful for you to plan for your continued growth. |