Archived Articles from Wisconsin DPI’s Division for Learning SupportBy Daniel Parker, Assistant Director of Special Education, Wisconsin DPI Over the last several years, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI’s) Division for Learning Support, which includes the Student Services/Prevention and Wellness and Special Education teams, has developed numerous articles on a wide range of topics specifically for the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators. The Division for Learning Support recognizes AWSA and WCASS and the roles of school principals, special education and pupil services directors as critical partners to ensure that each and every student feels healthy, safe, supported, engaged, and challenged as well as ensuring each student receiving special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). To that end, the following articles were developed to support school principals and directors of special education and pupil services in their ability to develop systems of support for students ages preschool through 21. Wisconsin DPI hopes the following archived article titles, organized into various categories, will assist school staff in the coming 2022-2023 school year! Mental HealthDeveloping School-Wide Systems of Support
Legal Requirements for Students with and without Disabilities
Practices to Improve Systems
Inclusive Practices Early Childhood through Transition
Developing Individualized Education Program (IEPs) |