November 20th Edition 

AWSA Update

How are Schools Successfully Promoting Attendance?

With help from our friends at the WI Center for Educational Research, we asked schools with the strongest attendance data to share what they are doing to positively impact attendance and engagement:

Absenteeism Research Invitation

The UW-Madison research team is conducting a study about how schools use excuse notes for students for medically-related school absences. They are seeking school administrators to participate in interviews (30-minute interviews with $30 gift card of appreciation). To learn more click here.

2024-25 Associate Principal of the Year Winners

Wisconsin’s 2024-25 Associate Principals of the Year are Elizabeth Nelson, Associate Principal, Pilgrim Park Middle School, Elmbrook School District, and Matt Amerson, Assistant Principal, Superior High School, Superior School District. Read more here.

Registration is Open for Upcoming AWSA Conferences

  • SLATE: December 9-11, 2024, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells Learn more here. (Please note the room block extended to 12/6/24.)

  • Associate Principals Convention: January 29-31, 2025, Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake Learn more here.

  • Middle & High School Principals Convention: February 5-7, 2025, Hilton City Center, Milwaukee. Learn more here.

November 6th Edition 

AWSA Update

The Role of Communications in Building Parent-Teacher Relationships

Most parents see their children daily. Most teachers see their students daily. And yet, parents and teachers rarely see each other at all. Both have a thorough understanding of each student. They know the students’ interests, strengths, weaknesses and behavioral patterns. Parents and teachers hold valuable insights that can take a child’s learning and development to new heights. The trick is deciding who will break the ice first. Read more here.

Youth Mental Health and School Administration

The school nurse is often a student’s first point of contact when they need help. Since physical and mental health are deeply intertwined, school nurses are attuned to what could be underlying indicators of a mental health issue (e.g. recurring stomachaches may be anxiety). Yet only 25% of Wisconsin schools have a full-time school nurse, and on average, a school nurse is tasked with supporting nearly 1,500 students. The Wisconsin State Office of Children's Mental Health (OCMH) developed this fact sheet summarizing the critical role school nurses play in addressing youth mental health.

DPI Act 20 Update

Important updates as of November 2024. Read more here.

Registration is Open for Upcoming AWSA Conferences

  • SLATE: December 9-11, 2024, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells Learn more here. (Please note the room block expires 11/8/24.)

  • Associate Principals Convention: January 29-31, 2025, Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake Learn more here.

  • Middle & High School Principals Convention: February 5-7, 2025, Hilton City Center, Milwaukee. Learn more here.