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AWSA Corporate Support Program

Leadership Matters...and the companies which support AWSA support the development and sustenance of strong school leaders. 

Private Companies Supporting Public Education

We recognize that effective public education is enhanced by business partnerships that support learning. AWSA members are always looking for information about products and services that will help them to lead their schools in ways that are cost-effective, productive and equitable. 

Building Relationships

We know that relationships are important to corporate success, so the Corporate Support Program is designed to help companies develop solid and sustainable connections with education leaders that will be mutually beneficial. This program operates with a one year renewable contract, providing opportunities for connections with principals throughout the contract year. 

Maintaining Your Base & Growing in a Tough Economy

Like all businesses and government agencies, schools and the companies that support them are facing budgetary challenges. Now, more than ever, our members appreciate the ongoing support of our corporate partners, and will remember who continued to support them in the tough times. 

Where the Dollars Go

Corporate Support revenues are used by AWSA’s foundation to assist in our mission of increasing the knowledge of our members in order to provide the best possible leadership to schools and the children they serve. Corporate Support dollars are used to fund AWSA’s Professional Development Program.   The Corporate Support Program is operated through the Wisconsin Foundation for Educational Administration (WFEA), AWSA's foundation. WFEA’s highly-regarded professional development programs bring top-notch educators, researchers and academics to Wisconsin for conventions and conferences. Today’s tough education issues are discussed, dissembled and solutions sought. It is only through this exchange of information and ideas that all children will one day receive the best possible opportunities.