January 15th EditionKeeping Kids Safe Online
by Janice Mertes, Assistant Director Teaching & Learning - Digital Learning and Chad Kliefoth, Digital Learning Consultant October 2019 marked the third annual Keeping Kids Safe Online Month in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, in partnership with the Department of Justice (DOJ), created a website with numerous resources from a number of organizations and experts about online safety to assist with the month-long awareness campaign. We utilized October to highlight the need for safe and responsible use of digital tools and resources for schools, communities, and families. Monitoring Software: Look Before You Leapby Troy Sefert, Monona Grove Technology Coordinator, and Attorneys, Brian Goodman, and Mike Juka AWSA asked Technology Coordinator, Troy Sefert, and Attorneys, Brian Goodman, and Mike Juka to share the functional, staffing and legal considerations districts should consider when determining how best to monitor activity on school-issued devices. Practical Tools to Protect Student Data: The Wisconsin Allianceby Annette Smith, Director of Instructional Technology Services, DPI How do Districts band together to encourage the vendors they work with to protect student data? DPI has purchased membership into the Student Data Privacy Consortium for ALL Wisconsin schools. Membership includes three powerful tools to securing your students' data. ![]() 2020 Middle & High School Principals ConventionRegistration is open soon for AWSA’s 2020 Middle and High School Principals Convention, February 12-14, 2020 at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Keynote speaker Jimmy Casas will open the conference on importance of leadership in teaching and Colonel Art Athens will close the conference on The Power of Integrity. In addition, the conference features over twenty pre-conference, roundtable, and concurrent sessions on today’s most pressing issues.
More information.
January 29th EditionStudying Your Impact… Major Key for Professional Learning Communities and Collaborative Team Success
by Jon Yost, Solution Tree Associate In the fall of 2003, Rick DuFour published an article, “Leading Edge: ‘Collaboration Lite’ Puts Student Achievement on a Starvation Diet.” In the article, he warns school leaders and teacher teams that they cannot settle for what he termed ‘collaboration lite’ (such as congeniality, coordination, and delegating responsibilities) and must define collaboration as the systematic process in which we work together to analyze and impact professional practices. John Hattie, in his ongoing and recent expansive “Visible Learning” research, recently published a paper titled, “Real Gold vs. Fool’s Gold: The Visible Learning Methodology for Finding What Works Best in Education.” Hattie, much like DuFour, also emphasizes the concept and importance of schools studying the impact of their professional practices. AWSA Authors: Sirens: How to Pee Standing Up-An Alarming Memoir of Combat and Coming Back Homeby Laura Colbert, Principal, Waupaca Middle School Every year, AWSA members publish books on educational leadership. Laura is the Waupaca Middle School principal. She was raised in a family where service was embedded into their every fiber. Her mom worked as an area coordinator for Head Start, and her dad owned his own consulting firm where he developed programs across the state for at-risk youth. Laura was given the opportunity and honor to pay for college on her own, even though it might not have seemed like it at the time. This taught her resilience, money-management, and a sense of pride. Six months before September 11th, the United States was living with long-standing peace. It seemed like the perfect time to join the National Guard. It was a great way to serve our great country, stay in shape, pay for college, and enjoy adventures. That's exactly what Laura did in March of 2001. Once September 11th happened, her 32nd Military Police Company began to prepare for deployment. Podcast on Current Research on the Positive Potential of Looping TeachersIn a new episode of Policy Outsider, the podcast of the Rockefeller Institute of Government, guest Dr. Leigh Wedenoja, senior policy analyst at the Institute, shares research on the effects of teacher looping on student outcomes. In the episode, Wedenoja shares how she and fellow researchers John P. Papay and Matthew A. Kraft of Brown University looked at all students in grades three through 11 in the state of Tennessee and found significant improvements to test scores when students were paired with a repeat teacher. They also found that, across all grade levels, having a repeat teacher reduces absences and suspensions. AWSA Membership Satisfaction SurveyEvery other year, AWSA requests member input on the Member Satisfaction Survey. We are asking that AWSA members take 5-10 minutes to complete this important survey. |