April 24th Edition 

AWSA Update

Act 20 Updates From DPI

With implementation of Wisconsin’s reading legislation, Act 20, happening so quickly, DPI wants to ensure that all of our district leaders have the most up-to-date information. Read more here.

AWSA will be hosting an informational webinar on Act 20 on May 23, 2024 from 1-3pm. Click here to register.

SECTION 504: A Primer on the Law and New Guidance From OCR

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), which is implemented and enforced by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits public school districts from discriminating against students with disabilities in their educational programs and activities. Section 504 requires districts to provide FAPE to students with disabilities to ensure they have the same access to a district’s programs and activities as peers without disabilities.  Read more here.

2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention: Registration is Open

The 2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention will feature sessions by Douglas ReevesJosh Varner, high-impact school leaders, and AWSA thought leaders. Register today for this fantastic learning opportunity, which will be held October 9-11, 2024, at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake!

Virtual Drop-In Sessions for the Wisconsin Improvement Program

If your district is interested in learning more about Wisconsin’s teacher internship program, the Wisconsin Improvement Program (WIP), if you have questions about the intern request process, or if you need assistance navigating how to request an intern through DPI’s online portal, DPI is offering virtual drop-in sessions. Learn more here.

Registration is Open for the School Administrative Assistants Conference

Please encourage your administrative assistant to register for the School Administrative Assistants’ Conference July 24-25, 2024 at the Madison Marriott West.  

Are You Retiring? 

If you are retiring this year, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. We’d like to include you in our recognition announcement and also share with you information about retired membership with AWSA.

John Hattie in Wisconsin on July 12

AWSA, WASDA, and the CESA Statewide Network are working with Corwin Press to bring John Hattie to Wisconsin on July 12.  See registration materials here (use code VLPACK for $25 off registration). These groups will be co-sponsoring a conference devoted to school improvement each summer. The 2025 conference will be held June 25-27, 2025, in Green Bay—more details to follow. 



April 10th Edition 

AWSA Update

2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention: Save the Date

The 2024 Elementary Principals’ Convention will feature sessions by Douglas ReevesJosh Varner, high-impact school leaders, and AWSA thought leaders.  Save the date for this fantastic learning opportunity October 9-11, 2024, at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake! Registration will open later this month.

Teacher Contract Renewal and Nonrenewal

Teacher evaluation is an important part of your job as a principal. Hopefully you are prepared to make informed recommendations about staff contract renewal, as shortly we will be in the statutory timeframe when school boards must make those decisions. This Article will provide you with the essential information you need regarding the renewal and nonrenewal of teacher contracts. Read more here.

2023 Wisconsin Act 198 Redefines Strip Search 

On March 22, 2024, Governor Evers signed Senate Bill 111, redefining what constitutes a strip search. The new Law, 2023 Wisconsin Act 198, modified Wisconsin statute 948.50 which already prohibited school employees from conducting strip searches. Read more here.

AWSA 2024 Election

The AWSA Board of Directors election will be held electronically from April 15-April 30, 2024. This year, Directors will be elected from Regions 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12.  Members of each of these regions will be emailed a notification on April 15th with a link to an online ballot listing the candidate(s) for that region. As part of its succession planning, the Board has recruited candidates in each region. See candidates here

Registration is Open for the School Administrative Assistants Conference

Please encourage your administrative assistant to register for the School Administrative Assistants’ Conference July 24-25, 2024 at the Madison Marriott West.  

Are You Retiring? 

If you are retiring this year, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. We’d like to include you in our recognition announcement and also share with you information about retired membership with AWSA.

Complimentary AAA Membership Available for AWSA Members

As an appreciation to our area's educators, AAA on Us would like to provide one FREE Primary Classic AAA Membership for one-year to the members of the Association of WI School Administrators. Read more here.