NEW K-12 Cybersecurity Risk Management 101 Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Hybrid Training
The REMS TA Center is excited to announce our NEW K-12 Cybersecurity Risk Management 101 Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Hybrid Training . Available through the Live Trainings by Request (TBRs) and Virtual Trainings by Request (VTBRs) programs, this synchronous training provides basic strategies that enhance cybersecurity planning in a K-12 school setting and can be delivered in person or virtually. This training will also cover how to develop a cyber incident response plan and how it can be integrated into school emergency operations plans (EOPs) via a Cyber Annex. The class size for the in-person training should be 25 attendees at a minimum and 100 attendees at a maximum, while the class size for the virtual training should be 25 attendees at a minimum and 475 attendees at a maximum.
Training Objectives
During this course, you will:
Understand common cyber threats facing K-12 schools and school districts;
Discuss case studies that explain the steps educational leaders must take to support cyber resilience;
Review tested prevention, response, and recovery strategies that can be used by their agency to help ensure cybersecurity; and
Identify key cyber partners for developing policies and procedures.
By the end of the training, you will be equipped to enact K-12 Cybersecurity Risk Management within the five defined mission areas (Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery) before, during, and after an incident.
Intended Audience
This training is intended for school district and school administrators, educators, and staff; information technology staff; and members of an EOP planning team. It is also applicable for regional and state-level entities who support schools with technology management and other community partners.
Applying to Request and Schedule This Training
Interested in hosting this training? Check our requirements below to review your agency’s eligibility:
Be a public or nonpublic K-12 school, school district, local education agency, regional education agency, state education agency, or partner with an education agency that will serve as the lead requestor.
Designate a local point of contact who will coordinate with REMS TA Center staff members and trainers regarding the logistics of the event.
Market the training to the appropriately targeted audience(s) and ensure that the attendance requirements are met.
Complete and submit the TBR Host Site Application Form or VTBR Host Site Application Form to [email protected]. REMS TA Center staff will confirm the receipt of your application within 1 day. A REMS TA Center team member will contact you to discuss your training needs and to answer any questions you may have. Training dates will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.