ACT 20 Update

Last December, we surveyed members on how AWSA can best support their literacy leadership and compliance with Act 20.  Through the survey, members identified two key needs:

  1. Sample templates corresponding to the provisions in the law (e.g., screener results, Personal Reading Plan, Informational pamphlets, Remediation Plan).

  2. Advocacy on issues identified by members and updates on new developments regarding the implementation of Act 20.

Sample Templates:  The Department of Public Instruction is developing a comprehensive set of templates that it plans to make available this spring.  The Department plans to share draft templates with stakeholders for input prior to being finalized.

Advocacy and Updates: 

  • Timelines: On January 26th, the WI School Administrators Alliance co-authored this letter about the need to adjust Act 20’s implementation timelines.  An amendment to AB 1069 and SB 990 would eliminate the requirement to administer the first assessment in the 2024-25 school year to provide additional time to implement what may be a new assessment.  AB 1069/SB 990 would expand who can provide required training under Act 20.  The Bill was voted out of both the Assembly and Senate Education Committees this week and is expected to receive a vote in the Assembly on Thursday.

  • Guidance from the Department: The DPI has shared that it will work with stakeholders as it develops important guidance, e.g., how to address individual plans in schools with a large percentage of students meeting the threshold.

  • We will continue to advocate around key issues involving multilingual learners and the interplay between Act 20 and special education laws and practices.