On July 1, 1978, the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators was formed by the affirmative vote of over 95 percent of the members of two then-existing professional organizations, the Wisconsin Association of Elementary School Principals (WESPA) and the Wisconsin Secondary School Administrators Association (WSSAA). Through the efforts and strong leadership of officers and committee chairpersons, the members of these associations became convinced that their programs, services, and efforts on behalf of children would be better, stronger, and more efficient if they came together into one K-12 organization.
In the years which have passed since that eventful vote, it has become apparent that the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. The AWSA has become a premier professional association in both Wisconsin and the nation.
Code of Ethics
Professional school administrators are held to high standards of ethical behavior and conduct. Upholding these standards is essential for the administrator to be viewed by the community, professional associates, and students as a leader in preserving and strengthening the public schools.
The following statements of ethical practice and professional behavior emphasize the positive attributes of professional performance which characterize effective administrative leadership.
Each Association of Wisconsin School Administrators member:

- upholds the honor, dignity, and integrity of the educational profession in all actions and relations with pupils, parents, colleagues, school board members, and the community;
- obeys local, state, and national laws; maintains high ethical and moral standards, and gives loyalty to country and to the cause of democracy, liberty, and citizenship;
- accepts personal responsibility for professional development and for contributing to the expanding body of specialized knowledge, concepts, and skills of school administration;
- strives to provide the finest possible educational experiences and opportunities for all persons within the public schools;
- seeks to preserve and enhance the prestige and status of the profession when applying for a position or entering into employment contracts;
- carries out in good faith all policies duly adopted by the local board, the laws and regulations of the State, and renders the highest professional service possible;
- honors the public trust of the position above any personal gain;
- affirms the public schools as the public's business and seeks to keep the public fully and honestly informed about their schools.
Members of the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators strive to maintain interpersonal relationships which support and nurture these ethical principles.