AWSA's Mission and End Statements

AWSA's Mission

The Association of Wisconsin School Administrators increases administrators’ effectiveness in equitably promoting the intellectual, social, and emotional growth of all students.

End Statement #1: Members will improve their capacity as effective educational leaders.

AWSA will provide:

  • Exemplary professional learning opportunities
  • Current research and information on educational leadership to support students’ social, emotional and intellectual growth.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from across the state to leverage collective knowledge.
  • Support for members to promote diversity and achieve equity through all their work as leaders.

Ends Statement #2: Collectively, members will continually identify and address the most significant barriers and opportunities to school leaders’ sustained success.

AWSA will:

  • Provide services to address the complex array of leadership tasks, including information, legal and communications support.
  • Promote greater coherence between and among organizations serving educators, including associations, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies, and the Department of Public Instruction.
  • Promote wellness among members and all those involved in educating our students.

End Statement #3:  Collectively, members will positively influence policy-making that impacts student social, emotional and intellectual growth.

AWSA will:

  • Partner with other organizations to promote policies that positively impact Wisconsin students’ social, emotional and intellectual development, including greater support for meeting students' behavioral and mental health needs.
  • Promote greater coherence among federal, state and local initiatives.
  • Provide support for members to effectively advocate for evidence-based policies at the local, state and federal levels.