Aspiring Superintendents Workshop
The Aspiring Superintendent Program represents the commitment of AWSA and WASDA to invite and nurture the development of future school district leaders in Wisconsin.
This effort will result in an ever-growing, high-quality pool of prepared candidates for district administrator positions to ensure that the condition of our profession will continue to improve as we meet the challenges of the future.
This vision will be realized by:
- Attracting highly motivated, talented, and committed educators to pursue leadership in Wisconsin’s school districts;
- Supporting principals and other administrators to explore and prepare for service as district administrators; and,
- Connecting aspiring district administrators with an active network of other future leaders and practicing district administrators for mentoring and guidance.
Potential superintendents are introduced to the profession through a variety of publications, professional development offerings, and networking opportunities. The program addresses the following issues:
- What superintendents do
- What it takes to be an effective superintendent and how to know if you are ready
- What school boards are looking for
- How the search process unfolds
- How school boards and candidates work with search consultants
- Connecting aspiring district administrators with an active network of other future leaders and practicing district administrators for mentoring and guidance
- Job search, interview strategies, and tips
- The transition to the superintendency
- Finding the district that is the right fit for you
The program is led by Joe Schroeder:
 Dr. Joe Schroeder, AWSA's Associate Executive Director. Joe served as superintendent for Muskego-Norway Schools, a district of approximately 5000 students in the metro Milwaukee area. Dr. Schroeder is an award-winning teacher, principal, and district administrator, who led Muskego-Norway to receipt of a 2010 Wisconsin Forward Award at the Mastery level, only the third K-12 district to ever receive the distinction in the history of this statewide organizational quality program. More recently, Dr. Schroeder was also named Wisconsin’s 2011 Superintendent of the Year. Prior to this, Dr. Schroeder worked in the Elmbrook School District (Brookfield, WI) for eight years, where he served both as assistant superintendent for educational services and as principal of Brookfield East HS. Dr. Schroeder is celebrating over 35 years of marriage and, with his wife Annie, continues to enjoy the latest developments and successes of their three daughters, and three grandsons. An ardent Badger fan, Dr. Schroeder has earned three degrees from the University of Wisconsin: BS (1988), MS (1995) and PhD (2001).
Full Benefits Enrollees of the Aspiring Superintendent Program will receive:
• A 50% discount to attend any WASDA conference • A collection of resources to help through the process of finding and starting your first superintendent job. • Networking opportunities with successful superintendents, search consultants, and representatives of preparation programs • A job search help line including resume, contract review, and advice
Information: Cost: AWSA/WASBO/WCASS Member - $121.00 Non Member - $242.00
Date: February 27, 2025, 8:00 am - 3 pm | Hilton Garden Inn, Sun Prairie
8:00-8:45 Welcome / Envision Yourself in the Role 8:45-9:30 The WI Landscape for Superintendents 9:30-10:15 A Superintendent’s Inbox Activity 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-12:00 Panel of Superintendents, Within Their First Few Years in the Role 12:00-12:45 Lunch and Networking 12:45-2:00 Presentation/Q&A with Superintendent Search Firm Consultants 2:15-2:45 Entry Plans - Your First 100 Days 2:45-3:00 Potential Next Steps/Check-in and Debrief 3:00 Adjourn
Click here for the workshop program.
Click here for the Aspiring Superintendents resource page.
Hotel Information:
Hilton Garden Inn 1220 S Grand Ave, Sun Prairie (608) 856-4500 Corporate ID number- N3291980 Rate: $145 Book Online Tax exempt certificates are to be presented at time of check-in.
Other Information:
Event cancellation or Postponement AWSA reserves exclusive right to modify, postpone/reschedule or cancel programs for any reason, including but not limited to emergency, inclement weather or other acts of God. If there is an event cancellation, every attempt will be made to reschedule and registration fees will be applied to the reschedule event dates. In the unlikely event of cancellation of an event, including inclement weather, the liability of AWSA is limited to the return of paid registration fees minus actual expenses. Cancellations of travel reservations and hotel reservations made directly with the hotel are the responsibility of the attendee.
Conventions, Conferences, and Workshop Cancellation Policy A full refund of fees will be made on cancellations received by 2/17/25. A 50% refund will be made on cancellations received on 2/18/25 through 2/23/25. Starting 2/24/25 there will be no refunds. There is no refund for no-shows. *
Dietary Disclaimer AWSA makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary needs such as vegetarian, gluten-free and basic food allergies. AWSA does not assume liability for adverse reactions to food consumed or items one may come into contact with while eating at an AWSA event.
Accessibility For questions about accessibility or to request special assistance during the event, please contact Kathy Gilbertson at [email protected]. Three weeks advance notice is required to allow us to provide seamless access. If you need to cancel the special request this must be done at least 3 working days prior to the start of the event. See registration cancellation policy on the event’s web page for how to cancel your conference registration.
*Refund fees retained by AWSA pay for your food guarantees, a/v equipment, meeting room rental and any hotel attritions caused by the cancellation.