Managing to Lead
Finding time for what matters most - at work and at home.
The multiple change initiatives underway in education demand more time for learning leadership than ever before. How will you manage such leadership challenges? Where will you find the time? Managing to Lead is designed for an administrator and his/her administrative assistant to take TOGETHER. This has helped countless teams and schools take substantial “leaps forward” in their work – and in their personal lives.
Register for this one-day workshop with your teammate and find a better way! Participants spend the day working together as a team to improve time management and office procedures for a more productive, professional, and enjoyable daily experience at work and beyond!
- Reflect on the common design mismatch of managing a school with 20th-century routines while trying to lead a 21st-century learning organization.
- Understand how this design mismatch inhibits desired results -- inside and outside of work.
- Articulate specific goals for professional and personal growth.
- Find sustainable ways to increase the impact on what matters most and build a sense of team.
- Leave the session armed with ways to obtain a personal and professional “leap forward” during the school year.
“This was absolutely a ‘difference maker.' Please consider doing this for others!”
“This program was incredibly helpful. I think I am a better principal because I am spending the majority of my time where it matters, in the classroom..."
Date |
Venue |
Address |
Cancellation Policy |
August 1, 2024 |
The Ingleside, Pewaukee
2810 Golf Road |
A full refund of fees will be made on cancellations received by 7/22/24. A 50% refund will be made on cancellations received on 7/23/24 through 7/27/24. Starting 7/28/24 there will be no refunds.
August 12, 2024 |
Hilton Garden Inn, Wausau
151401 County Rd NN
A full refund of fees will be made on cancellations received by 8/1/24. A 50% refund will be made on cancellations received on 8/2/24 through 8/7/24. Starting 8/8/24 there will be no refunds. |
*There is no refund for no-shows. Refund fees retained by AWSA pay for your food guarantees, a/v equipment, meeting room rental and any hotel attritions caused by the cancellation.
Workshop Fee:
This workshop is $209 AWSA member teams of two and $415 for non-member teams of two.
Schedule at a Glance:
8:00-9:30 Welcome and General Session: Building a Common Foundation for Your Team
9:30-9:45 Break
9:45-11:30 General Session: Setting Conditions for a Leap Forward
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:30 General Session: Developing a Plan for Your Leap Forward: Part1
1:30-1:45 Break
1:45-3:00 General Session: Developing a Plan for Your Leap Forward: Part 2
3:30 Adjourn
Hotel Information:
August 1, 2024 Ingleside Hotel 2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee (262) 547-0201 $125 Block expires: 7/1/24 Block name: AWSA Managing to Lead
August 12, 2024 Hilton Garden Inn 151401 County Rd NN, Wausau $145 Expires on 7/12/24 Block name: Managing to Lead
Interested in conducting this workshop in your school or district? Contact Joe or call (608) 241-0300.
Other Information:
Event cancellation or Postponement AWSA reserves exclusive right to modify, postpone/reschedule or cancel programs for any reason, including but not limited to emergency, inclement weather or other acts of God. If there is an event cancellation, every attempt will be made to reschedule and registration fees will be applied to the reschedule event dates. In the unlikely event of cancellation of an event, including inclement weather, the liability of AWSA is limited to the return of paid registration fees minus actual expenses. Cancellations of travel reservations and hotel reservations made directly with the hotel are the responsibility of the attendee.
Dietary Disclaimer AWSA makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary needs such as vegetarian, gluten-free and basic food allergies. AWSA does not assume liability for adverse reactions to food consumed or items one may come into contact with while eating at an AWSA event.
Accessibility For questions about accessibility or to request special assistance during the event, please contact Kathy Gilbertson at [email protected]. Three weeks advance notice is required to allow us to provide seamless access. If you need to cancel the special request this must be done at least 3 working days prior to the start of the event. See registration cancellation policy on the event’s web page for how to cancel your conference registration.
Questions? For questions on registration, payment, or general information please call the AWSA offices at 608-241-0300.